VOEvent II participant list

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Tue Nov 29 15:55:46 PST 2005


I've appended the "final" list of participants for VOEvent II.  This  
is best viewed with a fixed width font.  Please review the  
information (attendance, spelling, affiliation, etc.) and correct any  
errors (email me directly, not the list).  Will distribute the  
schedule of speakers for comment in the next day or so - y'all might  
want to pick catchy titles for your presentations in the mean time.


seaman at noao.edu

VOEvent II attendees:
+   Alasdair Allan, Exeter/eSTAR
     Robyn Allsman, LSST
     Tim Axelrod, LSST
     Scott Barthelmy, GSFC
     Nat Butler, MIT
     Kem Cook, LSST
   * Dave De Young, NOAO
     George Djorgovski, Caltech
     Andrew Drake, Caltech
   * Jay Elias, NOAO
   * Steven Gibson, Arecibo
+   Matthew Graham, Caltech
   * Frank Hill, NSO
     Jeff Kantor, LSST
     Sonya Lowry, NOAO
     Ashish Mahabal, Caltech
     Maria Nieto-Santisteban, JHU
+   Arnold Rots, SAO
+   Rob Seaman, NOAO
   * Dick Shaw, NOAO
     Chris Smith, NOAO
   * Igor Suarez-Sola, NSO/VSO
+   Tom Vestrand, LANL
   * Mark Wagner, LBT
+   Phil Warner, NOAO
+   Robert White, LANL
+   Roy Williams, Caltech
+   Ramon Williamson, NCSA
+   Przemek Wozniak, LANL

+   also participating in Wednesday interop
   * not attending Monday dinner

via polycom:
     Steve Allen, UCO/Lick (tz=-1)
     Frossie Economou, JAC (tz=-3)
     Dan Green, et.al., CBAT/MPC (tz=+2)

     (time zones relative to MST)

     Rich Hessman, Goettingen (polycom, tz=+1)
     Charles Liu, AMNH (polycom, tz=+2)
     Bob Rutledge, McGill/ATEL (polycom, tz=+2)
     various Tucson locals
     various La Serena "locals" (polycom, tz=+4)

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