GCN feed as VOEvent

Alasdair Allan aa at astro.ex.ac.uk
Tue Nov 22 07:39:54 PST 2005

Roy Williams wrote:
> I would like to point our readers to a VOEvent translation of the GCN 
> notices from the VOEventNet project.  You can find it at 
> http://voeventnet.caltech.edu/GCN.html


The interesting thing about the feed I'm producing is the 
interoperability between TALONS and eSTAR. The raw GCN socket is read 
both in Los Alamos and Exeter, translated into VOEvent at both ends, 
and stored locally in a DB. The TALONS server then passes the VOEvent 
message to an eSTAR client, which cross-correlates incoming messages 
with the message already received and archived locally at Exeter. We 
then send out a co-ordinated joint feed. I'm just fiddling with things 
to add the location of the local storage (at both sites since we have 
ACK messages flowing back and forth) to the messages themselves. I'll 
talk more about this at the meeting...


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