moving time and space

Alasdair Allan aa at
Mon Mar 28 10:22:46 PST 2005

Rob Seaman wrote:
> Alasdair Allan writes:
>> If developers need to construct (or parse) a document as complicated 
>> as the STC examples I've seen simply to pass the RA, Dec, epoch and 
>> equinox of an observation then I think the VO has a real problem.
> Focusing only on scalar representations of RA, Dec, Equinox and Epoch 
> would severely limit the range of event types that can be supported...

...and vastly simplify the currently overly complex XML representation. 
I'm willing to sacrifice flexibility so we get something that is easily 
implement-able out the other end. However I'm not asking other people 
to do so, all I'm asking is that something as heavyweight as STC isn't 
the mandatory implementation, and there is a lighter weight alternative 
and the two are interchangeable inside a VOEvent message.

>> Fine, allow an STC structure as one *possible* way to represent the 
>> co-ordinate/time structure,
> A consensus has been forged!


Dr. A. Allan, School of Physics, University of Exeter

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