On the "when" and "where"

Roy Williams roy at caltech.edu
Tue Mar 22 10:37:42 PST 2005

Rob and Arnold

Thank you for illuminating the coordinate system issue. I quite agree with you that 
simplicity is not enough, and that the VOEvent schema should include a comprehensive 
space-time specification such as STC. But at the same time, I do not want to lose 


-- If I wish to report an event that happened at given RA, Dec with a one-degree 
error disk, how simple can the STC specification be?

-- If I wish to report an event that happened at some time within a 6-hour exposure, 
how simple can the STC specification be?

-- Can I take a time as specified by LIGO and put it into STC? Or a time as 
specificed by GCN? Is the translation straightforward?


California Institute of Technology
roy at caltech.edu
626 395 3670

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