VOEvent working draft published: version, param

Tony Linde Tony.Linde at leicester.ac.uk
Sat Jun 25 01:35:09 PDT 2005

I assume that was a satirical reply, Matthew, to demonstrate the absurdity
of the <param> and <group> approach. All those convoluted contortions to end
up with a 'schema' which still encodes errors, e.g.

> <Group type="GRB_INTEN" xsi:type="GRB_INTEN">
>       <Param name="cnts" value="73288" unit="ct" ucd="phot.count" />
>       <Param name="peak" value="1310" unit="ct"
>       ucd="arith.rate;phot.count" />
> </Group>

> <Group type="GRB_INTEN" xsi:type="GRB_INTEN">
>       <Param name="cnts" value="73288" unit="ct/s" ucd="phot.count" />
>       <Param name="peak" value="1310" unit="ct/s"
>       ucd="phot.count" />
> </Group>

> <Group type="GRB_INTEN" xsi:type="GRB_INTEN">
>       <Param name="cnts" value="73288" unit="ct"
ucd="arith.rate;phot.count" />
>       <Param name="peak" value="1310" unit="ct"
>       ucd="arith.rate;phot.count" />
> </Group>

are all equally valid.

When the obvious solution is simply to code up the two new elements in a
schema in a proper fashion.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew Graham [mailto:mjg at cacr.caltech.edu] 
> Sent: 24 June 2005 23:30
> To: Tony Linde
> Cc: voevent at ivoa.net
> Subject: Re: VOEvent working draft published: version, param
> ...

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