VOEvent working draft published: identifiers

Tony Linde Tony.Linde at leicester.ac.uk
Fri Jun 24 01:03:54 PDT 2005

Hi Roy,

Basically your interpretation of the ID is the same as mine - I'd suggest
the spec is updated and or clarified accordingly. You do use terms (like
'metadata packet') which are not used anywhere else afaik, certainly not in
the registry/resourceID discussions so I'd suggest sticking to terms like
'resource' and 'resource record'; 'resolve the ID' is okay for getting the
resource record though I'd prefer 'return the resource record' as clearer. 

You use 'host' where the registry group tends to use 'managed': I can see
from your DNS example why you chose to use 'host'. I'd prefer we all used
one term so if you want to suggest to the registry group that it change I'd
not object.

> > 2.1 Para 4: <<each is resolved to exactly one endpoint machine>> 
> > Again, there is no endpoint machine for an authID.
> I disagree. See above. Perhaps we are using the wrong words?

Looking up an authID record in the registry will give you the resourceID of
the registry which hosts/manages it. You can then look up that record to get
the endpoint machine which provides that registry service if you really want
to. But why would you want to? That registry contains no more information
than any full registry.

Is it that you are trying to identify the publisher of a VOEvent? In that
case you just look up the publisherID in the VOEvent record and then look up
the resource record for that publisherID to find out details of the
publisher. I assume in the context of VOEvent, the publisher is the server
which creates the VOEvent?

I guess we need to define a new resource schema extension for VOEvent
servers? And then each publisherID element will point to a record created
under that schema. Is that right?

I've put responses to other issues in a following email...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roy Williams [mailto:roy at cacr.caltech.edu] 
> Sent: 23 June 2005 23:23
> To: Tony Linde
> Cc: voevent at ivoa.net
> Subject: Re: VOEvent working draft published

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