VOEvent RSS2.0 feeds (was Re: VOEvent II summary, part 3)

Alasdair Allan aa at astro.ex.ac.uk
Wed Dec 21 11:01:16 PST 2005


I've just completed a major overhaul of the eSTAR event broker, which 
generalises code which was a bit on the TALONS specific side and allows 
me to connect to any TCP/IP feed with a minor configuration tweak 
rather than cut-and-paste code duplication. So, post-meeting, if anyone 
apart from Robert and I has a "mini-interop compliant" VOEvent feed let 
me know and I'll hook you up to the broker.

These changes were made in preparation for me pushing my event feed(s) 
to Matthew's prototype repository via TCP. However that means that 
other things have been moved around.

You can now retrieve a server specific RSS2.0 feed for each of the 
eSTAR brokered feed from the generalised URL of


where XXX should be replaced by the name of the organisation in which 
you're interested.

Right now the only feed available is from RAPTOR/TALONS and will be 
available at,


it currently carries the TALONS translation of the GCN event notices.

On the downside I've currently got the eSTAR internal event feed shut 
down for an infrastructure overhaul as I have to re-factor some code to 
make use of these cool new classes I'm writing to handle events rather 
than the older eSTAR-native stuff it's currently using...

But it'll be back at the start of January, and will therefore be 
available at


as you'd expect. It'll carry eSTAR native notices only, there is 
currently a placeholder file at that endpoint to allow subscriptions.

There will be a combined feed along shortly, or it wouldn't be much of 
a broker, as soon as my TCP server comes back up after re-factoring 
(probably not long after Christmas). This will be published via TCP and 
RSS2.0. It will, probably, be at a URL of


The FeedBurner feed has been temporarily pointed at the TALONS GCN feed 
for those 8 of you currently subscribed. I'll point it back at the 
combined feed as soon as it's back on line.

Apologies for the disruption and the long post.

Merry Christmas,

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