Call for Theory contributions for the Groningen Interop

Hervé Wozniak herve.wozniak at
Thu Sep 5 13:03:02 CEST 2019

Hi Carlos & Gerard,
I won't be able to attend the next interop. It's right the weekend 
between two important French forward-looking workshops (CNES and 
CNRS-INSU). Important, at least, for the French community...


Le 23/08/2019 à 12:00, Carlos Rodrigo a écrit :
> Dear IVOA members,
> This is a call for contributions to the Theory IG session for the next IVOA Interop Meeting in
> Groningen, 11 to 13 October 2019, after ADASS.
> both talks and ideas for discussion are welcome.
> every possible subject related to theory and simulations could be of interest so don't hesitate to
> suggest ideas.
> Please, take into account that this is a short IVOA meeting and it could be less easy to get time
> slots and rooms for meeting. So it would be very nice to have your inputs as soon as possible so
> that we can make our requests as much in advance as we can.
> See you in Groningen
> Carlos Rodrigo, Gerard Lemson


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