theory session

Hervé Wozniak herve.wozniak at
Tue Oct 30 09:46:04 CET 2018

Hi all,

It seems the Theory session has been moved to Thursday in parallel to DAL1.
Thanks Carlos,

Le 29/10/2018 à 21:38, Carlos Rodrigo a écrit :
> I'll try
> Carlos
> On 29/10/18 21:20, Gerard Lemson wrote:
>> Hi Carlos
>>> In the last version of the interop program the Theory session is at the same
>>> time than a joint session TDIG/DM
>>> is it a problem for any of you who intend to attend the theory session? You
>>> previously asked not to have theory at the same time than
>>> DM/Semantics/KDD. There are another two DM sessions. So I imagine that
>>> this joint session will be mostly dedicated to Time Domain isues.
>> Yes, that would be a problem for me. If theory can be moved would be nice.
>> Cheers
>> Gerard
>>> But please, let me know if you want me to insist to move theory to a
>>> different time slot.
>>> Carlos


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