[Fwd: WG reports for Exec telecon]

Hervé Wozniak herve.wozniak at astro.unistra.fr
Fri Feb 26 08:51:32 PST 2010

Dear colleagues,

could you send me a few lines on your current developments and/or the 
status of the documents you are working on ?

I have to prepare the TIG report for the next EXEC...

Thanks a lot in advance,



Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg
UMR 7550 Universite de Strasbourg - CNRS
11, rue de l'Universite, F-67000 Strasbourg

Tel/Phone : +33 3 68 85 24 45   Fax : +33 3 68 85 24 32

mel/mail : herve.wozniak at astro.unistra.fr
skype : herve.wozniak

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Subject: WG reports for Exec telecon
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