Simple protocols for theoretical data

esm at esm at
Fri Dec 10 11:48:04 PST 2010

Dear all,

Following yesterday?s discussion about the need of developing some  
simple (as an alternative to TAP) to publish and access theoretical  
data in the VO, I summarise below the status of some of the most  
demanded theoretical collections in stellar astrophysics.

The list is far from being complete (that was not the intention) but,  
in my opinion, it clearly reflects two facts:

a)	Theoretical model providers are astronomers and not software  
developers. At best, they build very basic access systems.

b)	BUT, these systems are more than enough for the data to be used  
(and the authors quoted) by the community.

It is clear that something like TAP is necessary to handle complex  
simulations in the VO but it is also clear that something simple (and  
TAP is not) is mandatory for many other theoretical datasets. If we  
don?t offer these data providers a simple way of publishing their data  
in the VO they will not publish them (with the associated impact on  
the usage of VO services by the rest of the community) simply because  
they don?t need it . This is real life.



#  1979ApJS...40....1K Kurucz, R. L..
Model atmospheres for G, F, A, B, and O stars

?	Accessing mode: HTTP page containing lists of files
?	Number of citations in refereed papers (ADS): 3143

# 1998A&A...337..403B Baraffe, I.; Chabrier, G.; Allard, F.;  
Hauschildt, P. H. Evolutionary models for solar metallicity low-mass  
stars: mass-magnitude relationships and color-magnitude diagrams

?	Accessing mode: ftp
?	Number of citations in refereed papers (ADS): 1311

#  2000A&AS..141..371G Girardi, L.; Bressan, A.; Bertelli, G.; Chiosi, C.
Evolutionary tracks and isochrones for low- and intermediate-mass  
stars: From 0.15 to 7 Msun, and from Z=0.0004 to 0.03

?	Accessing mode: Web form
?	Number of citations in refereed papers (ADS): 1159

#  2000A&A...358..593S Siess, L.; Dufour, E.; Forestini, M.
An internet server for pre-main sequence tracks of low- and  
intermediate-mass stars

?	Accessing mode: Web form
?	Number of citations in refereed papers (ADS): 737

# 2001ApJS..136..417Y Yi, Sukyoung; Demarque, Pierre; Kim, Yong-Cheol;  
Lee, Young-Wook; Ree, Chang H.; Lejeune, Thibault; Barnes, Sydney

?	Accessing mode: Web form
?	Number of citations in refereed papers (ADS): 307

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