Carlos Rodrigo crb at
Wed Apr 7 07:02:19 PDT 2010

Hi Hervé

I think that would be nice. One session for demonstrations and another one for discussion
about protocols, standards and so. This should include SimDAP, S3 and even SimDB if there is
not a different session in DM (I think that there should be one).


On 03/30/2010 11:03 AM, Hervé Wozniak wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> we have to decide the number of sessions for the next INTEROP (Victoria)
> and their content.
> A suggestion (from discussions within Claudio, Rick and myself) is to
> have one session dedicated to demonstrations of services (operational or
> prototypes) and another one as an opened discussion on the various
> developments of standards and what should be the main stream towards the
> What do you think of that ?
> Cheers
> Hervé
> (chair Theory Interest Group)

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