Announcement: 2nd VISIVO tool on-line tutorial 25 June 2009 3:00 pm (CET)

Patrizia Manzato manzato at
Wed May 27 03:33:36 PDT 2009

Dear all,


I glad to announce the second



25 June 2009    3:00 pm (CET) 

INAF Astrophysical Observatory of Catania (Italy) 

in collaboration with

Cineca (Italy) 


University of Portsmouth (United Kingdom)


VisIVO is an integrated suite of tools and services specifically designed
for the Virtual Observatory. This suite constitutes a software framework for
effective visual discovery in currently available (and next generation) very
large scale astrophysical datasets coming from real  world observations or
numerical simulations. VisIVO consists of VisiVO Desktop    a standalone
application for interactive visualization on standard PC platforms, VisIVO
Server    a grid enabled platform for ultra high performance visualization
and VisIVO Web    a custom designed web portal supporting services based on
the VisIVO Server functionality. VisIVO has been partially supported by the
VO-Tech project funded by the EU Sixth Framework Programme under contract
no. 011892. This tutorial will provide hands  on training at introductory
level using the core features of VisIVO Desktop, VisIVO Server and VisIVO
Web for effective astronomical visualisation. There will be a single
training session with planned duration of three hours. The requirements for
attending this tutorial are registration of prospective participants and
access to a standard PC with a microphone  enabled headset. Attendees will
experience a comprehensive demonstration of several VisIVO capabilities.
Participants are strongly encouraged to supply their own data for
testing/evaluation of the VisIVO components. 

Please email 

visivo <mailto:visivo-support at> -support at 

regarding your data specification and possible user requirements no later
than Saturday 20 June 2009. 


The deadline for registering for this event is Saturday 20 June 2009. 

Participation in this tutorial is completely free, no fees are required. 

Accepted participants will receive all necessary information for connecting
to the event's www pages. 

The agenda and a web link for registration are available at, please follow the link entitled "Second VisIVO
On Line Tutorial."






Patrizia Manzato

INAF - Information System Unit

Trieste Astronomical Observatory

v. G.B. Tiepolo 11,   I-34143 TRIESTE, ITALY

Phone.: +39 040 3199 153  Fax: +39 040 309418

e-mail:  <mailto:manzato at> manzato at

Web site:  <>


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