Spectra DM for theoretical spectra?

Miguel Cerviño mcs at iaa.es
Wed Jun 3 07:37:57 PDT 2009


Well, for other kind of spectra (galaxy ones)
that are in fact yet in the VO by SVO, VO-PAris and Milenium (I do not  
know if in the VO access)

The parameters should be:

- Age
- Initial Mass Function
           (It is defined by, if an analytitic function: Functional form
  of the functional form
                                         If other form, like the  
result of Montecarlo simulations, an array)
- Atmosphere Libraries used
             (It include Carlos parameters for the atmosphere +  
coverage of the parameter range
              It include its metalicity prescription, usually in  
therms of [Fe/H]
- Isocrones set used (At this moment there is no DM  for that, may be  
a bibliografic reference?)
             It should include also its own metallicity prescription,  
usually in terms of Z
             And at this moement fundamental: Alpha elements abundances
- Star fromation History
           (again, functional form if any and parameters)

And I think that it is :)



On Jun 3, 2009, at 3:57 PM, Pierre Didelon wrote:

> Carlos Rodrigo Blanco wrote:
>> Hi
>> I think that there is a minimum set given by:
>> Teff: effective temperature of the star
>> Logg: logarithm of the gravity
>> Metallicity (for some authors this is the fraction of elements  
>> heavier than Hidrogen and for other it is something different,
> He abundance,
> s element abundunces
> p element abundances
> or even more precise things
>> I can ask for a better definition to some real astronomer :-)
> am I reel?
> or a virtual astronomer :-\
> -- 
> Pierre
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> DIDELON :@: pdidelon_at_cea.fr        Phone : 33 (0)1 69 08 58 89
> CEA SACLAY - Service d'Astrophysique  91191 Gif-Sur-Yvette  
> Cedex             
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> l'oeil qui scrute, qui dissèque, qui analyse, doit être réconcilié
> avec l'oeil qui vénère et qui contemple.       Hubert Reeves
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