Spectra DM for theoretical spectra?

Pierre Didelon pdidelon at cea.fr
Wed Jun 3 06:57:03 PDT 2009

Carlos Rodrigo Blanco wrote:

> Hi
> I think that there is a minimum set given by:
> Teff: effective temperature of the star
> Logg: logarithm of the gravity
> Metallicity (for some authors this is the fraction of elements heavier 
> than Hidrogen and for other it is something different, 

He abundance,
s element abundunces
p element abundances
or even more precise things

> I can ask for a better definition to some real astronomer :-) 

am I reel?
or a virtual astronomer :-\


 DIDELON :@: pdidelon_at_cea.fr        Phone : 33 (0)1 69 08 58 89
 CEA SACLAY - Service d'Astrophysique  91191 Gif-Sur-Yvette Cedex            
 Aidez les enfants Tibétains : http://www.a-e-t.org/jcparrain.htm
   ou d'autres : http://www.sosesf.org/
 l'oeil qui scrute, qui dissèque, qui analyse, doit être réconcilié
 avec l'oeil qui vénère et qui contemple.       Hubert Reeves

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