Spectra DM for theoretical spectra?

Miguel Cerviño mcs at iaa.es
Tue Jun 2 02:04:51 PDT 2009

Hi again :)

> Even if we do this, I don't think that necessarily means that this  
> replaces
> the use of SSA/Spectrum Data Model ofr synthetic spectra. Nor that  
> one MUST
> make a choice between an SSA or SimDAP/S3 protocol. One could  
> implement
> both. In a SimDB SSA might be a type of WebService that provides  
> access to
> registered synthetic spectra together with the other types.

Yes, (I think I agree with all previous Gerard mail :) an in  
particular with this point.

I am think in particular with spectral libraries (collections of  
spectra that
are posteriorly used for other pourposes: e.j: a set of theoretical  
(and/or) observational stellar
spectra for singel stellar population models; a set of spectra of  
observed clusters like LMC one to
build up galaxy spectra etc... ).
In this cases there are mixed of observational (Spectrum DM  
"mandatory") and
theoretical spectra....

It is also true that maybe a the DM of a collection is not necessarily  
consistent with the DM of
its components.... but, addressing my point in other words, what to do  
when an observation is
used as input of a theoretical model? It has sense that the same  
"object" change its DM
depending on what will be used for?



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