SimDB with undefined fields?

Miguel Cerviño mcs at
Mon Jun 1 00:42:56 PDT 2009

Hi all,

After several talks in the interop I had began to mapping my uses  
cases in a SimDB way, but there I found some problems. My uses cases  
have the following in common:

- Input data (and params) are not know "a priory" but supposed to be  
obtained from other VO services
(real VO interop ;)

[Examples: Photoionization code with input continuum obtained from a  
theoretical spectra service
                      Single stellar population models built from  
cluster/stellar libraries (theoretical or observational ones)
                            and isochrones that may be available "at  
that moment" in the VO]

In this case the workflow is:
a) client ask the service the possible parameters
b.1) service ask the registry to look for "different" registered  
services that are used as input in my service
b.2) the service return the client the list of models that can be  
build with the parameter range that
           can be built in that moment.
c) .... the standard protocol (whatever it means) follows

It means, in my real science cases (that are the most trivial ones by  
people I working with) I need to
ask recursively to the registry, and only after that I can fill my  
input parameters and other fields
included in SimDB. The problem is that most of the fields (excepting  
the version number of my code and
the bibliographic references) can only filled "at the moment" the user  
makes his/her query, but not before.

Maybe I had lost something, but this kind of cases can be addressed  
with SimDB?



"Nunca se debe intentar contentar a
quienes nunca se van a dar por contentos"

                        Javier Marias

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