theory sessions

Gerard gerard.lemson at
Thu May 8 00:41:58 PDT 2008

Dear colleagues

There will be two session of the theory interest group in Trieste.
One deals with micro-simulations and semantics for theory. 
The other deals with the future of the Simple Numerical Access Protocol.
This first one is currently scheduled for Tuesday morning 9SAM, but we are
trying to reschedule this to the afternoon.

In  anticipation of me stepping down as theory chair man, the first of these
will be co-organised by Claudio Gheller and Rick Wagner, the second by
Miguel Cervino and Franck LePetit.

They will send out further communications about these sessions shortly.

During two of the DM sessions we will report on our work on SNAP as far as
data modelling is concerned.

Best regards

Gerard Lemson for the others

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