tehoretical SEDs in VO applications

Miguel Cerviño mcs at iaa.es
Fri Nov 17 09:19:51 PST 2006


To avoid misunderstandings:

3 possible alternatives:

a) I am running spectview incorrectly
b) There is a problem in specview (when retrieve from "HST spectra"  
or write the VOTable)
c) There is a problem with the service that provide the "HST spectra"

sorry for my typing errors


> I found 3 possible alternatives:
> a) I am running spectview incorectly (I am ussing java -jar  
> spectview.jar instead the distribution script)
> b) The different services that provide the spectra are different or  
> provide different information in the FITS header, and specview  
> manage it in a different way:
> In case (b) it shoud needed to answer if
>    1.- it would be an issue related to the application
>    2.- It would be an issue related with the service... (I can try  
> to obtain the data from the same server with other applications and  
> see what happens... but during next week)
> Cheers and nice weekend
> Miguel

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