How to Publish to the NVO

Franck Le Petit Franck.LePetit at
Thu May 4 14:01:36 PDT 2006

	Dear Gerard, dear Ray and dear members of VO-Theory

	I followed Ray informations to register my PDR simulation code in  
the NVO registry.
	I did some mistakes (as the creation of an organization and an  
authority which do not want to disappear from the registry.  I hope  
this will be solved soon) but succeeded very easily to register it as  
a service (marked as a skyservice - another little problem)
	It is extremely simple to do.

	Once registered, I tried several searches in the NVO as somebody  
looking for a simulation code of interstellar clouds would do.
	Each time, the NVO search system has been able to find it.

	So, even if there are some points to improve, as Ray said, the way  
the inscription in registries is done can be used for simulations  
with a web interface (webservices as well I guess).

	Best regards and see you in Victoria.

PS : For those who wonder, PDR codes are the codes which model the  
physics and the chemistry of interstellar clouds.
PPS: If you try to access the code, you will be blocked by a login  
and password. This is because it gives access to computing facilities  
of the Observatory of Paris. We need a bit more computing power  
before opening completely the access to the codes.

    Franck Le Petit
    Observatoire de Meudon
    5 Place Jules Janssen
    92190 Meudon
    Tel: (33) 1 45 07 75 66

Le 4 mai 06 à 20:14, Gerard Lemson a écrit :

> Hi Ray
> We did indeed came to the conclusion that it should be possible to
> register resources without there being a fitting standard
> specification/protocol. I would actually like to try to register some
> such theory specific services and datasets during the interop, as  
> there we
> could benefit from interaction with registry connaiseurs such as you.
> Would you be willing and to make a contribution to one of the theory
> sessions on Monday to explain this in some more detail ?
> Cheers
> Gerard
> On Thu, 4 May 2006, Ray Plante wrote:
>> Gentle Theorists,
>> During a recent chat, Sebastien Derriere reported on a meeting of
>> VOTheorists in which there was some discussion of how one should  
>> publish
>> simulation data and/or services to the VO.  I thought that I would  
>> mention
>> a document I wrote for the NVO called "How to Publish to the  
>> NVO".  It's
>> meant to be a brief introduction to VO publishing with pointers to  
>> how to
>> get started.  It's a little out of date at the moment (an update  
>> is in the
>> works), but it is not inaccurate.  I would be interested to get some
>> feedback from your group about how applicable you feel it is to
>> theory-related resources.  In particular, if you have suggestions for
>> addressing the theory community, this would get a great time to  
>> get those.
>> In the VO, we talk a lot about registering standard services like  
>> SIA and
>> SkyNodes.  However you may not be aware that it is currently  
>> possible to
>> register general data collections and non-standard services,  
>> including
>> those that have a web-page interface.  While I'm sure that you will
>> benefit from some standards that are specifically targetted to the  
>> theory
>> community in the future, you may find the generic resource  
>> descriptions
>> useful today.  In fact, I would encourage you to visit the  
>> registry at
>> NCSA ( and try  
>> registering
>> somethings.  This site provides a sandbox version that allows you  
>> to try
>> out the interface without actually publishing anything.
>> Finally, to the Registry WG, it's been suggested that we take a  
>> look at
>> this document and see if there is an IVOA version we might publish  
>> as a
>> note.  Your feedback is welcome as well.
>> cheers,
>> Ray

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