results victoria meeting and roadmap

Gerard gerard.lemson at
Thu Jun 1 05:24:19 PDT 2006

Dear collegues


To all of you who participated during the interop in Victoria:

thank you very much for your contributions during a rather busy 

week. I think we accomplished quite a lot, on which we can now

build during the time till the next interop in Moscow. 


In particular, I want to list here the projects that we started, 

the time scales on which we want to see results, as well as

the people who volunteered to participate. 


My memory of precisely who volunteered during the meeting is patchy. 

I am sure there may have been more hands raised than I remember. 

Please mail me if you feel left out.






Following early work by Laurie on UCDs for simulations, 

we started compiling a list of concepts on the meeting's TWiki page.

This list will be open for editing by everyone for two weeks starting today.

After this period a number of us will translate this list

into a request to the Semantics WG for additions to the list of UCDs and 

words to the Semantic Vocabulary.

This we want to be finished in about a month (i.e. mid July) so that we 

can send it to the Semantics group and have it discusssed by Moscow Interop.


Everyone is invited to add to the list of words on the TWiki page.

Please see that page for how to proceed to add these.


The following persons volunteered for adding structure to this list. 

We should start discussing how to do so via the email list.

Following practice in other groups I suggest to prefix the subject with


Laurie Shaw

Dave De Young

Peter Teuben

Claudio Gheller

Herve Wozniak

Frank LePetit







We decided to move ahead with the Simple Numerical Access Protocol (SNAP)
that was initiated

during the workshop in Cambridge, early this year. There was discussion
about whether the 

protocol should incorporate both N-Body and mesh simulations. The majority
opinion was that we

should do this. 


We decided to follow the SSA approach, not the (old) SIAP approach that SNAP

was originally based on. This implies that apart from a specification of the
query protocol and

data formats, we need a data model for the metadata of the data products.
This model will determine 

what is returned by the query protocol, the protocol itself, and likely also
the metadata 

accompanying the final delivered data products. The project for this is
described separately below.

Also the tasks surrounding data formats is described separately.


We discussed the functionality described by the protocol. It was decided
that apart from (in principle)

allowing retrieval of complete data sets, there should be options for
retrieving subsets. These

can be sub volumes/slices etc, but possibly also random sampling. 

A problem is how we can let a user decide which subset they want.
Possibilities such as querying

for a "thumbnail" small version of the complete set were shown

by Claudio in his demo of VisIVO which already has SNAP like functionality.
This will need

to be worked out further.



Volunteers for working on the SNAP protocol are

Claudio Gheller

Laurie Shaw

Herve Wozniak

Peter Teuben (?)




Let's use [SNAP] as prefix for emails about this subject on the theory
mailing list.

Mails could be Cc-ed to the dal mailing list.


We want to have a version 0.1 document containing descriptions of the
functionality for SNAP

as well as the data formats we propose for the results to be ready for
discussion in Moscow.

After this we should start incorporating the results of the data modeling
project and 

progress to a version 0.5 or further by the China interop, 2007.




Data Formats:


We discussed the formats for data products sent from theory specific

such as the SNAP discussed above.

The concensus was that we'd for now stick to VOTable where appropriate,
likely using

the BINARY form for the data itself.

It was realised this may require some selling to the community, as well as
further polling

into what data formats are actually being used and how translators can be
written to

the proposed standard.


Dave Zurek volunteered to start this, Dave De Young will participate, GL in

Results of this poll will be communicated by the next interop.


Claudio Gheller volunteered to write example translator modules for some of
the data formats 

he deals with in VisIVO.

GL will do so for some of the Gadget postprocessed data sets.

These will be shown next interop.


Discussion about this could be prefixed with [DATAFORMATS]

Mails could be Cc-ed to the dal mailing list.



Data modeling:


We had a special session about data modeling for simulation data.

It was decided we would start working on this according to the following

- Agree on the problem domain (focus on discovery as use case)

- Define conceptual or analysis model of the problem domain(s) 

  (Physics, characterisation, computational details)

- Define a fully detailed logical model for the particular problem area

- Define binding to particular languages: XML, Java/C#, relational model


See the PPT on "Data modeling for simulations" at the meeting's TWiki page

for some more details.


Volunteers for working further on this subject were:

Gerard Lemson

Herve Woznaik

Dave De Young

Frank LePetit

Laurie Shaw

Mireille Louys

Brian Thomas



Time scale is that by Moscow we should have the conceptual model ready for

The model should then be tied in with SNAP, with a logical model for SNAP

incorporated in the SNAP 0.5 version.


When mailing the theory list use something like [SIMULATION DM] as prefix.

I guess the DM list could be included in such mails.




Summary, roadmap:


Summarising these developments is the following road map for the theory

interest group. Note that some of these tasks really fall under the

of particular working groups, in particular DAL and DM. Their chairmen have

with our plans and we will keep them in the loop.




When finished



            Collect unstructured list of words and concepts for use in -
June 16 2006

            registration of non-standard theory services/datasets

            and data model. 

            Result: TWiki page


            Add structure to the list, divide in UCD and Semantic
-           July 14 2006

            Vocabulary, cross check with VOEvent and other such lists

            Result: Note


            Discuss Note within IG, update and
-           July 31 2006

            send to Semanticsa working group as request



Data modeling:

            Create analysis model for simulations containing:
-           Interop Moscow 2006



                        numerical algorithm


            Result: WD


            Logcial model included in SNAP
-           Interop China 2007

            Result: WD



Data formats:

            Poll theorists about the data formats they use in their       -
Moscow Interop 2006

            simulations, and their wilingness to assist in translating

            these to VOTable.

            Result: Note


            Example code for translating some popular data formats
-           Moscow Interop 2006

            into binary votable



            Write WD about SNAP, focusing on functionality and data formats
-           Moscow Interop 2006

            of different types of simulations: N-Body, regular mesh, AMR

            Result: WD version 0.1


            Incorporate data models
-           China Interop 2007

            Result: WD version 0.5


            Prototpye applications using following possible serialisations
-           After China Interop, before Autumn Interop

            of data model


                        Java, C#

                        relational model

            Result: applications that "do" something with the model


            Propose as PR
-           Autumn interop 2007



            Outreach to theorists to register their services
-           June 5 2006

            Result: email to representatives of national projects




This mail will be added as a Projects page on the TWiki of the theory group.

Please send comments to the theory mailing list.



Best regards


Gerard Lemson


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