
Miguel Cerviño mcs at
Mon May 30 05:18:52 PDT 2005

Dear Andrea

I can try to help in the UCD-vocabulary for theory/simulations.
May be others in the theory group would be also interested, there was  
some discussion in the list about the subject of UCDs... (I just made a  
carbon copy to the theory group of this mail and your anterior e-mail)

If there is no more voluntieers, I can try to coordinate it,


	Miguel (mcs at   IAA; SVO)

> Dear colleagues,
> this first message is for setting up our roadmap and organizing the  
> Board
> and our work on the UCD-vocabulary..
> A. Roadmap.
> Our goal is very simple: we need to stabilize (which means adding,  
> deleting,
> transforming ) the present draft list of  ucd-words, that you can find  
> at
>  (just the list)
> (the  
> WD
> document)
> in order to (i) reach  consensus, and (ii) be able to promote the list  
> (and
> the associated document) to the level of IVOA Proposed Recommendation  
> as
> soon as possible (within June).
> B. The Board
> 1. Duration.
> There will be a Sci-Board as long as UCDs will be in use in the VO, in  
> order
> to maintain the vocabulary. The mission of the board is described in  
> the
> main UCD document, that you can find at
> now under minor revisions as suggested during the Exec Meeting in  
> Kyoto.
> It is possible that in the future the Exec could change the mission to  
> suit
> new needs of the VO.
> 2. Participation.
> Participation is on a voluntary basis. Colleagues can ask the chair of  
> the
> Board to be inserted in (or deleted from) the mailing list of the  
> Board,
> and to work for a specific task (see below).
> 3. Chair
> For the transition period required to set up the Board and let it run,  
> I
> will act as chair person of the Board (by the way,  setting up the  
> Board
> and upgrading the present list of UCD-words to the level of IVOA PR is  
> a
> formal action for the chairman of the UCD-WG). I propose to go for an
> election of the chairman of the Board in a month from now.
> C. Organization
> 1. What (Tasks)
> Time is very short, at least for this first phase of our work. I  
> propose
> then to define a number of key tasks and form task-groups on different
> aspects of the vocabulary. The most urgent cases were well pinned down
> during the last InterOp Meeting. My first draft proposal is to  
> organize our
> work around the following tasks:
> T1: the "velocity" and the resolution(s) problems
> T2: theory and simulations (sim ?)
> T3: at/mol physics
> T4: curation (humans, organizations) and other "meta"-likes
> T5: flux (total, net, backgr. and various "flux densities") and time  
> (period
> of, instant of)
> T6: solar system
> Txx : ??
> T0: Coordination, general issues, not included in the above Ts.
> Like the Board, tasks are not "closed". The discussion is open  
> ("plenary")
> and contributions are welcome from every member of the Board. It will  
> help
> people with an analytical mind (like mine!) to see "T5" appear in the
> subject of your message, if dealing with "net flux" or mid-time of
> exposure.
> We need a coordinator for each task, with the responsibility to make a  
> final
> proposal to the Board.
> There is nothing formal in the following list of people, I'm just  
> asking
> them to pay more attention to the discussion relevant to the  
> corresponding
> task, and summarize the discussion to the Board in due time.
> Making use of the list of members (as of today) I propose the following
> coordinators:
> T0	General		Andrea
> T1	Velocity/resolution	Alberto Micol
> T2	Theory/simulations	Volunteer(?)
> T3	At/Mol physics	Marie-Lise Dubernet
> T4	Meta			Sébastien D.
> T5	flux/time		Jonathan MD
> T6	Solar system		Pierre Didelon
> 2. How
> Through the Board's mailing list. Always "reply to all". The chair will
> record all messages.
> In this first phase of our work time is very short. So please answer  
> within
> the given deadlines. We won't wait for late messages.
> 3. When
> FIRST ACTION: please comment on the above organization/rules/tasks  
> within
> Thursday the 2nd of June.
> This message is sent (for the last time) also to the wider  
> interop at
> community to ask the laziest to join in.
> Best regards
> Andrea
> ======================================================================= 
> =======
> Andrea Preite Martinez                  andrea at
> Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale        Tel.:+39.06.4993.4641
> Area di Ricerca di Tor Vergata          Fax.:+39.06.2066.0188
> Via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100         Cell:+39.339.3817355
> 00133 Roma
> ======================================================================= 
> =======

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