plans from Kyoto meeting

Gerard Lemson gerard.lemson at
Wed Jun 8 01:34:29 PDT 2005

Dear Collegues

During the session of the theory interest group in the Kyoto interop meeting
it was decided that several groups would write up scientific use cases for
the theory-VO
like activities they have so far been involved in. The use cases should pay
attention to those areas where IVOA standards and implementations can or
should be used,
giving opinions on whether existing products suffice, or detailing

>From these use cases we will extract requirements on the various IVOA
group activities, to see whether existing results can be used in current or
modified form, or whether new activities are necessary. The goal is to
discuss these
requirements at the next interop meeting in Spain in October.

It was decided that 4 different areas would be investigated: large scale
simulations, medium scale (galaxy merger, jets) ones, theory spectra and
and molecular scale.

The following groups/individuals volunteered to write use cases:
- Large scale: Laurie Shaw; Gerard Lemson
- Medium scale: Dave De Young, who will try to get contributions from Peter
Teuben/Piet Hut
- theory spectra: Enrique Solano and Pedro Osuna; JHU/HVO
- atomic scales: Marie Lise Dubernet

I propose the following time scales for this work, based on the goal that by
the next
interop we have a first Working Draft with requirements:
- "Note" from each groups with use cases by mid August. This gives 2 months.
- Start of writing of requirements "Working Draft" (a group effort) by
beginning of September.
- Version 0.1 of WD ready by next interop for discussion in theory session
and in relevant
  working groups.

>From the volunteers I would like to get comments on whether the proposed
seems doable and adequate.

Everyone else please mail your comments to the theory mailing list which
c/should also be
used for discussions about the contents of notes once they are put forward
to the theory TWiki



* Gerard Lemson                       * Tel: +49 (0)89 30000-3316
* MPI fuer extraterrestische Physik   * Fax: +49 (0)89 30000-3569
* Giessenbachstrasse                  *
* Postfach 1312                       *
* D-85741 Garching, GERMANY           * email: gerard.lemson at

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