Draft ivoatexDoc note

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Wed May 11 13:17:31 CEST 2022

Dear Colleagues,

Now that I think we're doing an acceptable job of describing how to
interact with github as an IVOA contributor, I'd like to publish the
next version of ivoatexDoc; version 1.2 (that's what is currently in
the doc repo) still has a lot of volute content.

So... Can I ask you to briefly skim the new version?  It's on
https://github.com/ivoa-std/ivoatexDoc (or pre-built at
http://docs.g-vo.org/ivoatexDoc.pdf).  The main change is of course
the addition of section 4 ("github policies", if you will), and hence
I'd be particularly grateful for comments and contributions on that.
In particular, I'm trying an operational definition of and some
guidelines on how to get a document into the ivoa-managed regions.
I *think* I've more or less conveyed the spirit here, but this will
particularly profit from more eyes.

Unless I hear from you, I'd plan for submitting the document during
the week May 23..27.

Pull requests (or, somewhat less appreciated, bug reports) much


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