ivoatex proposed updates: readme and license templates

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Tue Mar 8 11:48:01 CET 2022


[The people involved with ivoatex have agreed to hijack this mailing
list for public discussions on its development because it seems
rather pertinent.  Chase us away if you disagree.]

While working out good workflows for document processing on github,
we noticed that it would be desirable if document authors had a
simple way of seeding LICENSE and README.rst.  IvoaTeX had some
templates already, and so teaching it these two on top is not a big

However, the instructions for copying the templates (ivoatexDoc,
sect. 2.2) became a bit longish, and so I introduced a script
ivoatex/startup.sh that will just copy templates if necessary (it's
safe to run on already existing repos, however, since barring insane
race conditions, it will not overwrite existing files).

This is ivoatex PR #72 <https://github.com/ivoa-std/ivoatex/pull/72>.
There is another templating-related change in there: I am no longer
keeping role_diagram-related dependencies in the Makefile template,
as they tend to be trouble.  Instead, ivoatexDoc's paragraph on the
architecture diagram now has instructions for where to add what.

Speaking of which: This PR would go with an update to ivoatexDoc,
which I'm proposing in PR #3,

I'd be really grateful if people could have a look at the two PRs; I
think if we iron out some wrinkles that may still be in there, that'd
improve the average appearence of our documents quite a bit (on the
long run).

Oh, and if someone could have a look at ivoatex PR #71
<https://github.com/ivoa-std/ivoatex/pull/71>, that'd be lovely, too;
this is just a little script to help when updating documents: When
coming back to a document after a long time, say 

  make bib-suggestions

and the thing tells you what references you probably want to update
because there are new versions out for the respective documents.



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