Schema repo presentation

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Fri Feb 5 12:21:16 CET 2021

Dear Colleagues,

Again I'm defaulting to this list for lack of more pertinent ones.

This is about the schema repository,,
and is triggered by recurring confusion about our namespace URIs,
as it most recently re-surfaced in

I think we can significantly reduce it by fixing the presentation in
the schema repo.

You see, with our Schema Versioning Policies (and by necessity),, these schemas now
have fixed namespace URIs independent of minor versions.  Our current
presentation, on the other hand, stresses these minor versions, which
I think is what entices people to fudge these namespace URIs, in
particular because most of them regrettably contain minor versions.

So, I'd suggest to very visibly include the namespace URIs in the
repo table.

Unfortunately, pleasant layouts with URIs in them are usually a bit
of a challenge, because the URIs tend to be long.  The least ugly
version I can come up with would be as for the first three items in (note that the links in
there are all broken).

The effort would be relatively moderate: Add a style

  tr.tns td {
	  border-bottom: 1pt solid #ccc;
	  font-style: italic;

-- and then below each schema row a

  <tr class="tns"><td colspan="2">
    Target Namespace:</td></tr>

I'd even volunteer to do the necessary edits.




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