Link to RSM document please

Markus Dolensky Markus.Dolensky at
Mon Sep 22 02:28:33 PDT 2003

Roy Williams wrote:
 > Markus
 > I would like to link to a page for the ResMetadata document, which would
 > list a matrix of versions and formats. I do not want to link specifically to
 >  Microsoft word with a (soon tobe) outdated version.
 > In other words, could you add another level of hierarchy?
 > The "working documents" page would be split into one for each document --
 > ResMetadata, soon there will be UCD, etc.
 > Then for each document, the versions and formats are listed?
 > This would be fabulous! Roy

Hi again Roy,

Ok, got your point.
Since the IVOA document coordinator is on mission and since there are only two 
standards documents right now I wonder whether we urgently need another layer 
at the moment or whether you could link to 
for now? At the moment another layer would mean to create a structure with 
mostly empty pages.

Anyway, at the last IVOA meeting we assigned this kind of responsibility to the 
Document Coordinator which is Marco Leoni.

Also, at the Cambridge meeting a new group was formed dealing with the 
Standards & Documents Acceptance Process. We might not want to bother them with 
such details. I just put <stdproc at> on the CC list of this message to 
raise awareness  of its existence ;).


| Markus Dolensky   Mailto:Markus.Dolensky at
| AVO Technical Lead          Web:
| Voice: ++49 89 32006/261  Fax: ++49 89 32006/480

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