Vocabulary: http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/UCDlist/ Author: stephane.erard@obspm.fr Date: 2022-03-14 Nb of terms discussed together : 1 New Term: spect.line.intIntensity Action: Addition Description: integrated line intensity (on a band) Prefix: P Description: Integrated intensity of a spectral band Rationale: This term is proposed to support spectroscopy of solids, which have broad bands. This will be used by the SSHADE bandlist service (and possibly other services in this field) and may be computed from observational data to compare with laboratory data. Eventually, this may be used by CASSIS to handle solid spectroscopy. Discussion: Integrated intensity is different from Intensity (at band center) which is used in parallel, and eqWidth (equivalent width) is not relevant in this field.