examples vocabulary - capability

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Thu Mar 9 08:24:19 CET 2023

Hi Pat,

On Wed, Mar 08, 2023 at 01:41:07PM -0800, Patrick Dowler wrote:
> My only quibble is the use of the term "capability". That's a term
> with a more complex meaning than is intended by the use in DALI-1.1
> and maybe now is a good time to think this through a little more.

It definitely is.

> The prior use documented directly in DALI is that this conveys the
> "standardID" and that term is used in various xml schema as well as
> Datalink service descriptors to convey the same thing. I don't know
> of any use case, but a capability generically also has other
> attributes (type, version) that we may want to convey via this
> vocabulary at some point.

I'll freely admit that "I don't know of any use case" doesn't
actually make terribly happy...

> I realise this initial vocabulary is just pulling the terms out of the
> existing DALI text. Is this the appropriate time to fix this?

Yes, definitely.  Consider the endless discussion about
datalink-core#progenitor for a taste of the perils of vague (or
perhaps bad) definitions even in seemingly harmless concepts.

Still, to figure out a useful definition I'm afraid you have to
specify what you'd like this thing to mean, i.e., what clients should
do with it.  I'll admit that I never really could work #capability
out either, and for all I know nobody is using this in the wild -- or
is one?

         -- Markus

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