UCD question: how to assign the wavelength-dependen (em) UCD word

Bo Milvang-Jensen milvang at astro.ku.dk
Thu Mar 17 18:12:40 CET 2022

Dear Mireille and Semantics,

Thank you also for the reply to my "wavelength-dependent UCD question". 
I am happy that you conclude that my selection process for this UCD word 
is appropriate. And I note with interest your work on providing a fuller 
description of the filter profiles.

Kind regards, Bo

On 3/8/22 9:44 PM, Mireille LOUYS wrote:
> Dear Bo, Dear Semantics,
> thanks for this interesting feedback.
> The SVO Filter profile service contains a lot of Filter descriptions 
> and you can query what is stored with their search box :
> http://svo2.cab.inta-csic.es/theory/fps/index.php?id=Subaru/Suprime.IB505&&mode=search&search_facility=Subaru&search_instrument=Suprime&search_text=suprime#filter
> You see that many properties are recorded for a filter, much more than 
> the UCD label you can assign on the photometric column.
> In the IVOA we can describe filters properties using the Photometry 
> data model v1.0:
> https://www.ivoa.net/documents/PHOTDM/
> The way to provide more information to describe filters and 
> calibration zero points at the top of a VOTable catalog was proposed 
> in the
> PhotDM1.0 Appendix C.2  Photometric Data in Cone Search  in the doc 
> pointed above.
> The current update of this spec : PHOTDM1.1 is in progress and 
> discussed in the community .
> You can see details on the revision process , people involved , etc, 
> here :
> https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/PhotDM11RFC
> The goal is to set-up a mechanism to allow any filter and calibration 
> information to be described in an annotation block at the beginning of 
> a VOtable which in turn can be interpreted by a parser application 
> based on a library.
> This work is in progress and will be shown at the next 
> interoperability meeting (April) probably .
> Your example is up-to-the point and in sync with our current development.
> I hope we can show you examples of this representation for your 
> filters in this syntax very soon.
> Best regards , Mireille.
> PS: So your selection process for ucd , based on the reference 
> wavelength/frequency/energy, is appropriate. It is just that not all 
> information can be wrapped in just one label.
> Le 02/03/2022 à 18:00, Bo Milvang-Jensen a écrit :
>> Dear Mireille and IVOA semantics list,
>> Thank you for inviting me to send you my unsolved questions about 
>> UCDs, I have two: one in this e-mail and one in the next
>> Background: These questions have arisen while writing UCDs for the 
>> around 1200 table columns in the COSMOS2020 catalogue, paper recently 
>> published in Weaver+2022 
>> (https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2022ApJS..258...11W/abstract), 
>> before publication via ESO's Phase 3. The catalogue contains 
>> photometry in around 40 photometric bands/filters, and photo-zs and 
>> physical parameters (e.g. stellar mass) computed by two codes.
>> My first question (i.e. this e-mail) concerns how to select the 
>> wavelength-dependent (em) UCD word for a given photometric filter. I 
>> have consulted the UCD1+ document, but the only guidance I found was 
>> the short description for each UCD word, e.g. "Infrared between 1.0 
>> and 1.5 micron". First, I am not sure I understand the motivation for 
>> having overlapping words, as shown by this example:
>> em        Electromagnetic spectrum
>> em.IR     Infrared part of the spectrum
>> em.IR.NIR Near-Infrared, 1-5 microns
>> em.IR.J   Infrared between 1.0 and 1.5 micron
>> My intuition is to select the most "specific" word (here em.IR.J), 
>> but that could be wrong.
>> Second, my main problem is that I do not know to select the most 
>> appropriate em word. For each of my filters I know the central 
>> wavelength and the full transmission curve. Some of my filters, e.g. 
>> y and Y, have a transmission curve that transmits both below and 
>> above 1 micron, which is one of the limits used in the descriptions 
>> of the UCD words, so if one were to consider the full transmission 
>> curve when selecting the em word, these filters could only be given 
>> the very general word "em". I have made the choice of only using the 
>> central wavelength when assigning the em word, not the full 
>> transmission curve.
>> Here is the full list of filters in COSMOS2020, with their central 
>> wavelengths and widths (both in Angstrom), and with the UCD I 
>> currently have assigned based on my two principles (most specific 
>> word, and central wavelength) [see Weaver+2022 Fig. 2 for the filter 
>> curves]:
>> Label        Description                     lam_cen width UCD
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>> GALEX_FUV    GALEX FUV                          1526 224 em.UV.100-200nm
>> GALEX_NUV    GALEX NUV                          2307 791 em.UV.200-300nm
>> CFHT_u       CFHT/MegaCam u                     3709 518 em.opt.U
>> CFHT_ustar   CFHT/MegaCam u*                    3858 598 em.opt.U
>> ACS_F814W    HST/ACS F814W                      8333 2511 em.opt.I
>> HSC_g        Subaru/HSC HSC-SSP PDR2 g          4847 1383 em.opt.B
>> HSC_r        Subaru/HSC HSC-SSP PDR2 r          6219 1547 em.opt.R
>> HSC_i        Subaru/HSC HSC-SSP PDR2 i          7699 1471 em.opt.I
>> HSC_z        Subaru/HSC HSC-SSP PDR2 z          8894 766 em.opt.I
>> HSC_y        Subaru/HSC HSC-SSP PDR2 y          9761 786 em.opt.I
>> SC_B         Subaru/SuprimeCam B                4488 892 em.opt.B
>> SC_gp        Subaru/SuprimeCam g+               4804 1265 em.opt.B
>> SC_V         Subaru/SuprimeCam V                5487 954 em.opt.V
>> SC_rp        Subaru/SuprimeCam r+               6305 1376 em.opt.R
>> SC_ip        Subaru/SuprimeCam i+               7693 1497 em.opt.I
>> SC_zp        Subaru/SuprimeCam z+               8978 847 em.opt.I
>> SC_zpp       Subaru/SuprimeCam z++              9063 1335 em.opt.I
>> SC_IB427     Subaru/SuprimeCam IB427            4266 207 em.opt.B
>> SC_IB464     Subaru/SuprimeCam IB464            4635 218 em.opt.B
>> SC_IA484     Subaru/SuprimeCam IA484            4851 229 em.opt.B
>> SC_IB505     Subaru/SuprimeCam IB505            5064 231 em.opt.V
>> SC_IA527     Subaru/SuprimeCam IA527            5261 243 em.opt.V
>> SC_IB574     Subaru/SuprimeCam IB574            5766 273 em.opt.V
>> SC_IA624     Subaru/SuprimeCam IA624            6232 300 em.opt.R
>> SC_IA679     Subaru/SuprimeCam IA679            6780 336 em.opt.R
>> SC_IB709     Subaru/SuprimeCam IB709            7073 316 em.opt.R
>> SC_IA738     Subaru/SuprimeCam IA738            7361 324 em.opt.R
>> SC_IA767     Subaru/SuprimeCam IA767            7694 365 em.opt.I
>> SC_IB827     Subaru/SuprimeCam IB827            8243 343 em.opt.I
>> SC_NB711     Subaru/SuprimeCam NB711            7121 72 em.opt.R
>> SC_NB816     Subaru/SuprimeCam NB816            8150 120 em.opt.I
>> UVISTA_Y     VISTA/VIRCAM UltraVISTA DR4 Y     10216 923 em.IR.J
>> UVISTA_J     VISTA/VIRCAM UltraVISTA DR4 J     12525 1718 em.IR.J
>> UVISTA_H     VISTA/VIRCAM UltraVISTA DR4 H     16466 2905 em.IR.H
>> UVISTA_Ks    VISTA/VIRCAM UltraVISTA DR4 Ks    21557 3074 em.IR.K
>> UVISTA_NB118 VISTA/VIRCAM UltraVISTA DR4 NB118 11909 112 em.IR.J
>> IRAC_CH1     Spitzer/IRAC ch1                  35686 7443 em.IR.3-4um
>> IRAC_CH2     Spitzer/IRAC ch2                  45067 10119 em.IR.4-8um
>> IRAC_CH3     Spitzer/IRAC ch3                  57788 14082 em.IR.4-8um
>> IRAC_CH4     Spitzer/IRAC ch4                  79958 28796 em.IR.4-8um
>> However, my ESO Phase 3 scientist Laura (in cc) thought it could be 
>> misleading to assign em.IR.J to the Y and NB118 filters, but also 
>> said that ESO needed to look into standardizing this. If my UCDs for 
>> these two filters could be misleading, so could those for all the 
>> intermediate bands (IA, IB), the other narrow bands, and the broad 
>> bands that don't have a UCD with its name encoded (e.g. g, z).
>> I would be interested in your view on this.
>> Kind regards, Bo
>> On 3/1/22 5:41 PM, Mireille LOUYS wrote:
>>> hi again ,
>>> please do not hesitate to send your questions to me , or to the ivoa 
>>> semantics list in copy .
>>> this helps the community and maintainers like me to be aware of the 
>>> trouble you may encounter.
>>> many thanks , Mireille
>>> Le 25/02/2022 à 16:59, Bo Milvang-Jensen a écrit :
>>>> PS: I have a couple of other questions/problems with the UCD 
>>>> standard that I would like to ask/report. What is the best channel?
>>>> Kind regards, Bo
> -- 
> --
> Mireille Louys,  MCF (Associate Professor)
> Centre de données CDS		IPSEO, Images, Laboratoire Icube
> Observatoire de Strasbourg	Telecom Physique Strasbourg
> 11 rue de l'Université		300, Bd Sebastien Brandt CS 10413
> F- 67000-STRASBOURG		F-67412 ILLKIRCH Cedex
> Tel: +33 3 68 85 24 34
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