Question (a bit time-sensitive) - January event on space data and knowledge organization systems

Robert Rovetto ontologos at
Sun Jan 9 10:08:32 CET 2022

Happy new year, all,

Following this earlier question, if you'd like to attend the January 20th session i'm organizing, this is the description page (, and the event can be registered at this link ( One data science speaker with astroinformatics experience is tentatively expected, and I'll speak on conceptual/ontology modeling for space. 
Please feel free to contact me in a personal message (to avoid email traffic) if you know anyone who might like to attend, or if you have questions.

P.S.1 I'm organizing an unrelated session on Jan 19th about the SWEET ontologies. This is the link (
P.S.2 In May I'm co-championing a similar space data knowledge modeling session at a different event/organization.

Please have a happy, health, safe, and peaceful 2022,
 Actively open to work & PhD study opportunities, worldwide.-
   On Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 04:54:39 AM EST, Robert Rovetto <ontologos at> wrote:  
 I'm organizing a session in January on space data and knowledge organization systems. 

Does anyone have interest in that, or in potentially speaking at it?
If interested, please email me individually--ideally in the next day or two--with when we can have a call, and i'll send the session details or a link.

Happy holidays,
Robert Rovetto
--Actively applying to work & PhD study opportunities, worldwide.
Schedule a Meeting:
NASA Datanauts Open Data Initiative (2017-20)
Research Affiliate,Centerfor Orbital Debris Education & ResearchMerchant Mariner. Available to serve in rescue response. (personal project. seeking formal support)

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