Interop contributions

Baptiste Cecconi ceccobapts at
Tue Oct 12 14:29:21 CEST 2021

Hi Markus, 

as mentioned outside this list, the SSIG and the CDS people would like to have a discussion on the "Observation Facility Names". From what I heard from Janet, it would be better to accommodate this discussion time into the Semantics session. 

Is this something possible ? 


> Le 4 oct. 2021 à 18:16, Markus Demleitner <msdemlei at> a écrit :
> Dear Semantics WG,
> the next IVOA Interop meeting will take place online on Nov 2-4, and
> we will have a session on Semantics and related topics: New IVOA
> vocabularies, changes to existing ones, UCD topics, bridges to linked
> data, etc.
> Contributions for this session are highly welcome.  While we can
> accomodate any kind of contribution, giving a talk of 5-15 minutes on
> your topic(s) is highly encouraged.  To register a talk, please send one
> of us a mail with a title and your preferred contribution format.
> Thanks,
>       Markus and Carlo

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