about #calibration (VEP-006) : ----> IMPORTANT for DataLInk EXTENDED USAGE

BONNAREL FRANCOIS francois.bonnarel at astro.unistra.fr
Fri Oct 8 19:06:31 CEST 2021

Le 07/10/2021 à 15:24, Markus Demleitner a écrit :
> François,
> To avoid letting this stall again, since nobody else chimes in, let
> me re-phrase my request over on semantics in an attempt to make it a
> bit clearer.
> On Mon, Oct 04, 2021 at 04:24:21PM +0200, BONNAREL FRANCOIS wrote:
>> I widen the audience of this discussion to DAL mailing list because I think
>> it's really important for an extension of the usage of DataLink. Rare have
> [...]
>> What kind of solutions can we find to solve the two use cases issue ?
> Before we can evaluate solutions, we first have to understand the
> problem you are trying to solve.  Which I still do not, and neither
> have I understood what "extension of the usage of Datalink" you are
> proposing.
> As long as we are not on the same page here, this discussion will
> drag on forever.  I think a clear use case would already help.  For
> that, trying to fill in a template like:
>    A user wants ... and does ...  The computer then uses ... and
>    does...
> often helps to structure things so other people understand what you
> are trying to do -- of course, pseudocode is fine, too.
> Based on this, could you then explain as clearly and concisely as you
> can why VEP-007 impedes that use case?

A user discovers a calibrated image (HST, ESO, etc...) . With DataLink 
(#this or #preview) she has a look to the image and want to see how the 
uncalibrated data and the flat field looked like to understand some of 
the features. DataLink provides  a link to the #progenitor and also (by 
some record the semantics of which cannot be anymore "calibration or 
#flat) to the flat field, etc... used to calibrate this progenitor.

Client software is intended to display all these images (science and 
calibration) together for checking and comparison. Moreover an advanced 
version could poropose some kind of reprocessing of progenitor.

Where VEP-006 "impedes" that is by letting the "already applied" use 
case orphan.  We have no more terms to qualify the calibration files 
used this way. With the new definition we can only apply the calibration 
files to the discovered image itself (#this in DataLink), and not to the 

That's why I push for a more global solution (several possibilities 
discussed in previous email)

Have a good week-end


> Thanks,
>               Markus

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