Vocabularies "steward"

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Fri May 14 11:15:15 CEST 2021


[keeping TCG in the loop, as I'm mentioning you]

On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 03:07:48PM +0000, Tom Donaldson wrote:
> Since a new official IVOA role would add new bureaucracy, perhaps a
> lighter-weight alternative would be sufficient.  With a slight
> wording change, the responsibility could be assigned to the
> Semantics WG chairs *or designee*.  Maybe this is similar to
> standards document management where the editors need not be WG
> chairs (but often are), and the most available person can take on
> the work.  Either way I think it makes sense to decouple the role a
> little from the Semantics chairs.

I like it.  In volute rev. 5953, I'm now writing:

  In the following, the phrase ``chair of the Semantics WG'' is
  understood to mean ``chair or vice-chair of the Semantics WG, or a
  person designated by them for the purpose with the consent of the

(http://docs.g-vo.org/Vocabularies.pdf, p. 25).  I give you that's
terribly soft, and perhaps inventing a term and using it instead of
the WG chair would make the intent clearer.  Proposals to express
this better are welcome (off-list).

As to the principle: do people have concerns because we do not define
this any better?  Is anyone moaning "oh no, *yet another* thing the
TCG should shoulder" (though I think that would be very little work
in practice)?

            -- Markus

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