VEP6: blurry definition for the term #calibration

Patrick Dowler pdowler.cadc at
Tue May 11 19:03:26 CEST 2021

This has been an interesting discussion to follow and as the sort-of
proponent of VEP-006 I should add a comment.

I was always thinking about the use of #calibration in the practical sense
that Markus' mentioned a while back: actionable information for someone
deciding if they needed to use a link or not. Assuming you  are downloading
the #this links, do you also need these other things? If the other things
are #preview with content_type image/png you have enough information to
make that decision because the client can tell exactly what they are for:

{link} ... #preview ... #this

You can make the above ~sentence without worrying about the extra words a
natural language uses and everyone knows what it means. Specifically,
everyone naturally assumes that the first first ... means "is a" (present).
However, with calibration it isn't so clear:

{link} ... #calibration ... #this

The debate here is whether that ~sentence means "is a" (not yet applied) or
"was a" (applied). The relationship is #calibration in both cases and while
it is tempting to restrict the meaning to the actionable "is a" (present
tense) I think that kind of approach means we more or less double the
number of terms: isCalibration and wasCalibration? ugh.

I have been convinced that the terms in a vocabulary shouldn't worry about
present or past tense. The definition should be flexible enough to convey
the calibration relationship and not the tense. I think the current
"resource used to calibrate the primary data" is very close -  "used" only
weakly implies past tense (already applied) and if anyone thinks it
specifies past tense then we should tweak that.

I think other commenters generally agreed that tense doesn't apply because
we are not trying to reproduce the provenance. Can we modify VEP-006 to
remove any sense of a tense restriction? I would propose a minor
clarification, 2 options:

#calibration : resource to calibrate the primary data
#calibration: resource that has or can be used to calibrate the primary data

Datalink semantics is about the relationship between two things so this
logic may apply to other terms. I would support removing "used" from child
definitions as well (bias, dark, flat).

PS-not a fan of the circular definition but trying to define without using
"calibrate" seems to make it too restrictive and cumbersome
Patrick Dowler
Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
Victoria, BC, Canada

On Wed, 5 May 2021 at 06:34, Paul Harrison <paul.harrison at>

> Here are my pain scale rankings.
> > On 2021-04 -29, at 13:31, Markus Demleitner <
> msdemlei at> wrote:
> >
> > (a) We keep things as they are and we just forget about datalink
> > semantics being a tree.  You'll understand that I'd be seriously
> > unhappy with that outcome.
> 4
> I am not sure that leaving things as they are is "giving up on datalink
> semantics being a tree” - we are just in this fuzzy place as to what
> different people understand by #progenitor, and I actually think that is is
> a good thing that it is disjoint with #calibration.
> The description of #progenitor in the RDF is just "data resources that
> were used to create this dataset (e.g. input raw data)”, and this combined
> with the disjointness of #calibration leads me to interpret #progenitor as
> being “science data” progenitor. I don’t see anything written in
> that makes this interpretation invalid.
> pros * not changing anything in standards!
> cons * no way to distinguish if “#calibration” was actually used in the
> production of #this or is just a possible calibrator
>      * the #progenitor interpretation above is not how some
> implementations have interpreted #progenitor.
> >
> > (b) We make #calibration a child of #progenitor ("#calibration
> > ⊂ #progenitor").  That's a fine solution, except I'd ask the
> > proponents of that to convince Pat, who has, in effect, proposed
> > VEP-006.
> 4
> I think that this should also have
> pros * progenitor more clearly takes on the wider “involved in the
> production” meaning that some prefer.
> cons * no ability to tag “alternative calibrator”
>      * data provider might just tag everything #progenitor anyway and we
> lose the distinction between calibration and science data
> >
> > (c) We accept VEP-006, perhaps with some fixes to labels or
> > definitions (I'm totally open to suggestions); we can then have
> > additional terms to tell apart "science data" and "calibration files"
> > below #progenitor.
> 6
> >
> > (d) We deprecate #calibration and children, saying the concepts
> > cannot be properly defined (and it'd take quite a bit of reasoning to
> > wear down my resistance against that).
> 10
> >
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