Semantics Calls 3: Wed, 2021-03-10, 16:00 UTC

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Thu Mar 4 14:32:23 CET 2021

Dear Semantics community,

Next Wednesday (March 10), we would like to welcome you to the next
edition of our Semantics Calls series of telecons.  We will meet on
the mumble server (there's a browser-based client,
too) at 16:00 UTC (17:00 CET, 8:00 Victoria, BC).

A main topic for this session would be a (hierarchical) vocabulary of
object types -- we will have colleagues from Simbad at the meeting
for this purpose.

A second major point is Vocabularies 2 pre-RFC, in particular
implementation feedback.  If you have any on anything in the wider
vicinity of VocInVO2, please drop by.

Finally, as usual, we'd be happy to discuss plans for any further
VEPs (a.k.a. new terms).

There's a wiki page on this at

To refresh anything that might still be open from previous SemCalls,

See you next Wednesday,


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