FAIR semantics

Francoise Genova francoise.genova at astro.unistra.fr
Fri Jun 4 11:40:09 CEST 2021

Dear colleagues,

As you know the FAIR principles are currently a hot topic, and requiring 
that data produced by projects is FAIR is on the agenda of many 
projects. The I2 FAIR guiding principles from Wilkinson et al. states 
that '(meta)data uses vocabularies that follow FAIR principles'. There 
is ongoing work to define what a 'FAIR vocabulary' means, in particular 
in the FAIRsFAIR project and in the RDA Vocabulary and Semantic Services 
IG (VSSIG). The current version of the FAIR Semantics Recommendations is 
here: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4314321

The IVOA manages a collection of vocabularies, and at some point it will 
likely be useful to have them recognised as FAIR. I would like to 
suggest that we have a look at FAIRsFAIR recommendations and check how 
we fit. They welcome comments at https://github.com/FAIRsFAIR/FAIRSemantics

There is ongoing work to define a metadata schema for ontologies and 
ontology collections (as a DCAT profile).



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