Semantics Calls, 2020-08-06, 14:00

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Fri Jul 24 17:47:25 CEST 2020

Dear Semantics, DAL, and Registry WGs,

Following the examples of GWS and DAL, I'd like to have ~bimonthly
telecons with semantics topics, open to everyone.  The dress
rehearsal (perhaps even premiere) for that will be Thurs, 2020-08-06,
14:00 UTC, with further information at

On the current agenda are topics, per WG in this wide cross-post:

* DAL: the Datalink VEPs (and one to come)
* Registry: Next steps in proper UAT adoption in VOResource
* Semantics: Getting VocInVO2 towards RFC

-- but totally feel free to add more items.

If you'd like to participate but can't make it this time, please send
me (personally) a mail, ideally indicating when you'd like to see
Semantics Calls #2, which I'd like to have some time in the second
half of September.



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