New version of the UCD List Maintenance standard - comments by June 23rd

Baptiste Cecconi baptiste.cecconi at
Sat Jun 17 20:52:07 CEST 2017

Dear Françoise

I have a comment on the discussion process presented in the document. Currently, UCD "RFM" are discussed offline or during the Semantics WG at Interop meetings. There is often a discussion between the proposer and "UCD experts", so that the reality of need can be evaluated. I think we should keep the capability to interact with the proposer. This interaction is often an “outreach" action for the UCD teams and it helps the proposer to better understand the UCD concept. 

I don't think the current document wording prevents the UCD Scientific board, nor the Semantics WG to interact with the proposer, but I think it would be better to mention it specifically.

Baptiste Cecconi

> Le 2 juin 2017 à 15:50, Francoise Genova <francoise.genova at> a écrit :
> Dear colleagues,
> As discussed during the Semantics session in Shanghai, Mireille and I have been working on a new version (V2.0) of the UCD List Maintenance Standard. The basis discussed in Shanghai is to take advantage of the newly introduced IVOA Endorsed Note process (see to facilitate the updates of the UCD vocabulary. It is proposed to deprecate the UCD list from Recommendation to Endorsed Notes, which can be updated to the next version by TCG agreement instead of going through the whole standardisation process. The Shanghai session participants insisted on the need that the updates are made as quickly as possible, and the new process allows to do that while keeping a formal procedure and cross-WG check. Please note that Endorsed Notes, like Recommendations, are published in the ADS, which ensures their visibility.
> I posted the draft UCD List Maintenance Note V2.0 implementing this new process on the Semantics page, together with a version in track change mode from the current V1.20, to initiate the discussion "in WG". The documents are here:
> (also attached to this email)
> Your comments are very welcome. Mireille and I would like to be able to proceed as swiftly as possible, so we invite you to provide your comments by 23 June so that we can deal with them before the Northern hemisphere vacation period.
> Cheers
> Francoise
> <Note-UCDlistMaintenance-2.0-20170602.pdf>

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