purl, vocabularies and ivoa.net

Mireille Louys mireille.louys at unistra.fr
Thu Jun 1 00:18:24 CEST 2017

Hi Marco ,

Thanks for summarising this issue.
There is also a need to discover more easily where to find the various 
vocabularies proposed by the Ivoa .
I would appreciate to have a link from the IVOA document repository page 
directly , to a IVOA Vocabulary page like what we have for XML schemata, 
for instance.

Various vocabularies already exist , in various formats and are used in 
DAL( datalink, RDF, html), Registry (VOResource litterals, CSV), Theory 
( theoryvocabulary RDF/SKOS )
So this page would actually redistribute the link access to the 
corresponding locations .
Each of these vocabularies should be maintained in close contact to 
their WG and users , and I see the role of Semantics more as a 
coordinator and curator for the long term.

How to organize the vocabulary tree , is still to be decided .
ivoa.net/rdf does not mean every file in this directory should be in rdf 
format but this is somewhat misleading.
In order to allow to gather all representation formats for some 
particular vocabulary, I would prefer to have one branch for each 
vocabulary and the various formats below like :
and the same for registry vocabularies if needed.
Each of them could be redirected to another site as purl.obspm.fr or 

If the curator of the vocabulary is close enough to the users , this 
should work, or am I overlooking some issue here?

my 2c for the moment,

cheers, Mireille

Le 19/05/2017 à 08:42, Marco Molinaro a écrit :
> Dear Semantics,
> Dear Theory,
> (IVOADoc in CC)
> during the session this Tuesday, in the "SKOS in VO THeory" talk, it
> was proposed a change for the vocabulary for Theory VO with patterns
> pointing to
> http://purl.ivoa.net/ConceptName
> Now (apart from DNS aspects that can be managed on the DNS+IVOADoc
> side - that's why IVOADoc is in CC), ivoa.net has already a branch
> http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/
> that is meant to store vocabularies (Datalink one is already there).
> Also, the theory vocabulary will actually physically be in Paris, i.e.
> purl.ivoa.net will simply redirect to it.
> This email is to try to understand exactly how we can make this things
> work together, namely:
> - the purl.ivoa.net and its redirection to Paris (but possibly it
> should survive in ivoa.net and be used by other parties)
> - the relationship between purl.ivoa.net and www.ivoa.net/rdf
> Ideas, comments, .... are welcome, so that we can also start thinking
> of DNS changes in Trieste (hosting the IVOA.net domain and related
> DNS) and maybe in IUCAA (where the web part of the ivoa.net is
> physically located.
> I can take care of connecting with IVOADoc and ivoa.net sysadmins for
> the technical part.
> Cheers,
>      Marco

Mireille Louys
CDS  						Laboratoire Icube
Observatoire de Strasbourg	Telecom Physique Strasbourg
11 rue de l'Université 		300, Bd Sebastien Brandt CS 10413 		
F- 67000-STRASBOURG			F-67412 ILLKIRCH Cedex
tel: +33 3 68 85 24 34

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