IVOA Madrid Interop: Semantics summary

Norman Gray norman at astro.gla.ac.uk
Mon Jun 2 03:42:29 PDT 2014

Hello, all.

For the benefit of those on this list who weren't at the Interop meeting in Madrid, the week before last, here are my notes of the semantics-related outcomes of the week.

Most concretely, the VOUnits document was approved by the Exec as an IVOA Recommendation: <http://www.ivoa.net/documents/VOUnits/>.  This document has had a long gestation period, and many people have contributed in various ways.  Thank you, everyone, for your contributions, and thanks particularly to Sébastien for initiating the process.

The Semantics session <http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2014Semantics> included a report of vocabulary developments in Paris, which prompted a useful discussion on links between vocabularies, and best practices for vocabulary coordination.  Baptiste Cecconi (whose name I see I have _again_ misspelled in the posted PDF -- apologies Baptiste!) talked of new UCDs for planetary data, and this prompted another interesting discussion on the choice of UCD strings.  What I conclude from this discussion is that, in a semi-formal structure like UCDs, there are no real _rules_ for UCD construction, and we must and should rely on the good taste of the community, in providing commentary in forums such as this one.

As is now I think the pattern, the semantics WG members had contributions to make to other WGs' efforts, in particular the DM and DAL groups.  This is as it should be, I think.  From one point of view, the IVOA's interoperability goal is 'shared semantics' project as much as it is a 'shared syntax' project, and it is not useful, therefore, for 'semantics' to be ghettoised into a WG out on a limb.

As before, the 'New Technologies' session was interesting, entertaining, and thought-provoking.

Thanks to all of the speakers in both sessions, and to all of those who contributed their thoughts over the week.

Best wishes,


Norman Gray  :  http://nxg.me.uk
SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK

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