São Paulo Semantics session

Norman Gray norman at astro.gla.ac.uk
Mon Sep 10 22:24:22 PDT 2012

Hello, all.

The São Paulo interop approaches, and there will be a Semantics WG session.

This is a call for suggestions for talks at the session.  If you want to talk, or can suggest a topic you think should be discussed, can you propose it on-list.

I won't be in São Paulo, unfortunately, but Mireille will take charge of the Semantics work there.

Current suggestions for topics include the following (collected by Mireille):

* Report from the Astro-informatics conference (Sébastien Derriere).
* VOUnits document: demo of (simple) current functionality, discussion of goals (Sébastien again)
* Progress on the Theory group vocabularies (Franck?)

I will ask that the Semantics session is not scheduled against any DC&P session.  Are there any other conflicts we should avoid?

All the best,


Norman Gray  :  http://nxg.me.uk
SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK

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