SKOS concepts in VOTable (example problems?)

Dave Morris dave.morris at
Fri Jun 8 08:02:08 PDT 2012

On 06/05/2012 11:30 PM, Norman Gray wrote:
> Does anyone (Dave, Theory IG people, or others) have particular concrete use-cases or user-stories which might motivate a design here?  We know we've got them, but it'd be good to assemble a manifest list of real-world examples?  Hmm: I smell a wiki....

The use-case for using URIs is that it provides a discovery mechanism for new types.

If we use NMTOKEN, and I encounter this in a VOTable 

    <link content-role='x-experimental-021' href=''/>

then there is no obvious way for me to discover what an 'x-experimental-021' link means.

On the other hand, if we use anyURI and I encounter this 

    <link content-role='ivo://org.astrogrid/research/experimental-021' href=''/>

then the URI


should resolve to a registry resource that describes what an 'experimental-021' link means.

Note - the URI doesn't *have* to resolve, but if it does resolve to a resource, then that resource *should* describe the link role.

Hope this helps,

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