RDF Proposal (Was: Re: SKOS concepts in VOTable

Norman Gray norman at astro.gla.ac.uk
Wed Jun 6 07:12:17 PDT 2012

Greetings, all.

On 2012 Jun 6, at 14:56, Brian Thomas wrote:

> I'll end by noting that your suggestion above also appears to require a
> schema change ;)

I should clarify (this was rather buried in my monster email of yesterday).  I'm suggesting two tracks here: one making a minimal change to VOTable specifically, and another collecting use-cases and experimenting with solutions to develop a pattern which might be applied consistently across the VO.

The first is the modification to the VOTable spec, with zero or minor schema changes, building on the LINK element and its content-role attribute.  I hope that we can settle on proposed text here, and take that to the votable at ivoa list fairly promptly and uncontroversially.

The other is longer-term.  I think for this we needn't worry too much about immediate wider acceptability, but we _should_ focus on concrete problems.

All the best,


Norman Gray  :  http://nxg.me.uk
SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK

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