Long-term URIs -- Note

Norman Gray norman at astro.gla.ac.uk
Thu Nov 25 09:45:11 PST 2010


I've prepared a draft Note on the topic of long-term URIs in astronomy, which can be found at <http://www.astro.gla.ac.uk/users/norman/ivoa/long-term-uris.html>

The abstract says:

> We highlight the lack of any consensus practice, in astronomy, for minting and maintaining URIs intended to be used for long-term naming purposes.  In the current draft, we (i) highlight the current problem and suggest its importance, and (ii) indicate possible solutions, without yet recommending any solution in particular.  This is intended to be a discussion document, rather than a set of conclusions.

It's formatted as an IVOA Note, but the issue isn't an IVOA-only one, but should potentially go up the standards food-chain IAU-wards.

I've had a couple of comments on this from interested colleagues, but this document is far from finished, and I'd very much welcome contributions and authors.

I've sent this message to the semantics and datacp lists -- it's probably of most immediate interest to the semantics group, but the general issue is a DC&P one, so I'm not sure where discussion should most naturally happen.  I'm mentioning it on the interop list, too, at Sébastien's prompting, but I suggest that discussion could most usefully take place on one of the other two lists.

Best wishes,


Norman Gray  :  http://nxg.me.uk

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