YAPI: the ARK system (Archival Resource Key)

Douglas Burke dburke at cfa.harvard.edu
Thu Jun 17 06:17:29 PDT 2010

I've just come back from the International Provenance And Annotation 
2010 workshop, where I heard about YAPI [1], the ARK system, from the 
Digital Libraries world. You can find some info at


and a high-level review of competing proposals at



[1] Yet Another Persistent Identifier


   Doug Burke                | http://hea-www.harvard.edu/~dburke/
   Harvard-Smithsonian       | Email:  dburke at cfa.harvard.edu
     Center for Astrophysics | Phone:  (617) 496 7853
   60 Garden Street MS-2     | Fax:    (617) 495 7356
   Cambridge, MA 02138       | Office: B-440

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