question about concept representation/formating

Carlos Rodrigo Blanco crb at
Sat May 23 04:50:16 PDT 2009


I have been looking for some answer to the question that I'm going to ask 
and I haven't been able to find any, but I'm quite ignorant in these 
subjects. I just wonder if this kind of problem is being considered in the 
semantics group (or if you know if it is being considered by other group 
or if there exist some approach to it in the xml world or whatever)

Imagine that I am giving, in a votable, a column which value is:

"ThisQuantity" defined as (V_rot^2 - alpha * R/R_sun)

(whaetever that means, it doesn't matter now, I have actually just 
invented the concept)

1) I could give that text in the <DESCRIPTION> of the corresponding field. 
That's true.

2) I could point to a data model using a utype.

3) I could maybe point to an ontology where the name and description of
this concept are defined (I don't know how, but I guess it's possible)

But is there any way to say (or point to a place where it's said) how this 
description must be formated?

I mean, in html:

V<sub>rot</sub><sup>2</sup> - α * R/R<sub>sun</sub>

in latex:

V_{rot}^2 - \alpha \fraq{R}{R_{\sun}}

or whatever other specification.

The point is: when an application downloads my votable, I would like to be 
able to tell it how the description of the concept should be displayed. 
Maybe the application decides to follow my advice or it doesn't,  but I 
think that it would be nice if the information is there so that it can be, 
eventually, used.

Do you know if there is any approach to this "problem"?

(maybe there is an obvious answer that I ignore, so fell free to tell me 
RTFM or point me to some documentation it it exists)


Carlos Rodrigo

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