FW: Welcome to the DCMI Science and Metadata Community

Linde, A.E. ael13 at leicester.ac.uk
Thu Feb 19 01:59:53 PST 2009

A DC group has formed to discuss Science and Metadata: I figured our registry and semantics groups might be interested in its activities. The opening message is below and the group website is at:

This includes details of how to join the mailing list.


Tony Linde
Project Manager
Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of Leicester

------ Forwarded Message
From: Stu Weibel <weibel at OCLC.ORG>
Reply-To: DCMI Science and Metadata Community <DC-SCIENCE at JISCMAIL.AC.UK>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 22:21:38 -0000
Subject: Welcome to the  DCMI Science and Metadata Community

Hello, Folks

Jane Greenberg and I would like to welcome you to the DCMI Science and Metadata Community.

The challenges of managing data sets is emerging as one of the key problems of digital science.  Digital Data Curation is a topic of active development in many countries, and depends in large measure on metadata.  As it is widely recognized that reuse and repurposing are key objectives, finding common, interoperable solutions to these problems will pay dividends.  Thus, the Dublin Core community should serve as an ideal venue to work towards these solutions.

We would like to open the activities of this working group with several themes.

    * Identify case studies of existing metadata applications in functioning or planned data repositories
    * Gather functional requirements for effective scientific metadata applications
    * Address problems now facing deployment of metadata applications for scientific datasets
    * Assemble a clearing  house of relevant documents, whitepapers, standards, and projects

Additional community objectives are, or course, welcome.

Like other organizations of its ilk, the DC community only advances when its objectives are aligned with real problems that practitioners must address in their 'day jobs'.  We hope that list members will share their problems and experiences, and that a common work agenda will emerge that will result in practical, useful solutions to problems.  By all means, introduce us to your expectations and objectives.

Our group enjoys the support of Sarah W. Carrier as document coordinator.  Sarah is a Metadata Research Center Doctoral Fellow, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and will help us with documents and administrative needs of the list.

We look forward to a fruitful exchange of ideas and information

Stuart Weibel,  Jane Greenberg, and Sarah Carrier

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