xml schema for skos

Gerard gerard.lemson at mpe.mpg.de
Wed Apr 8 05:07:10 PDT 2009

Hi Norman

Thanks for your feedback. 
> It's good to see some independent use of the vocabularies.  
> Your experience here will be very useful -- let me know if I 
> can help more.
I will try to write up the usage scenario from SimDB, which will incorporate
your earlier comments,
and send it to you and the rest of the semantics group for comments.

> > I am trying to incorporate SKOS vocabularies in SimDB.
> > For a proto-type implementation that uses JAXB for XML 
> > (un)marshalling 
> > I could use an xml schema describing the XML syntax of 
> > SKOS. Does this exist, can someone point me to it?
> There isn't such a schema, I'm afraid.
> SKOS is an RDF vocabulary, so processing a SKOS vocabulary means  
> processing an RDF graph (albeit one with a _very_ simple 
> structure).   
> RDF has three well-known serialisations: RDF/XML, Turtle (also called
> Notation3 or n3) and n-triples.
> What you're (presumably) looking at is RDF/XML, which is a 
> serialisation of an RDF graph as XML.  It's syntactically 
> well-formed XML, but not described by a schema, but instead 
> by a set of rules described in [1].  Though any RDF/XML file 
> will be deserialised to give equivalent RDF, a given RDF 
> graph could be serialised into multiple rather 
> different-looking XML files.
> ...
> Having said that, it occurs to me that there may be a way to 
> specify a non-mandatory XML serialisation format for 
> vocabularies, in a fairly principled way, and without massive 
> effort.  How much hassle does the above RDF-parsing sound?

I am looking for a Java library which I did not found under librdf.org.
Its Java binding seems to have been deprecated it.
I have found jrdf (http://jrdf.sourceforge.net/), will try that out for now.
Afterwards I might vote for a simple (maybe even schema based) XML



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