Joint semantics/voevent session?

Derriere Sebastien derriere at
Thu Oct 23 01:18:51 PDT 2008

Rob Seaman a écrit :
> Greetings to our Semantically inclined friends,
> We're pulling together agendas for the two VOEvent sessions next week, 
> but there is also a joint Semantics/VOEvent session (10:30 am, Thursday) 
> that needs to be organized.  You guys did such a good job last time, 
> that I'm sure I'll be happy about whatever gets put together.  I was 
> presuming the Grays, subclassed as Norman and Alasdair, would be 
> talking, but the Programme online has neither an agenda or even a place 
> to put an agenda for this session :-)

   Hi Rob,

   I'm consolidating the planning for the interop Semantics sessions.
There is time in thursday's session for semantics/voevent.

> So, how shall we proceed?  In addition to putting a nice bow around the 
> official vocabulary efforts, are there some long term vision sorts of 
> topics to discuss?  Whither ontology, etc?

   Current preliminary program here:

   Is someone from voevent willing to do a presentation on thursday?

    /  ~   /, Sebastien Derriere   mailto:derriere at
   / ~~~~ //  Observatoire de Strasbourg    Phone +33 (0) 390 242 444
  /______//   11, rue de l'universite     Telefax +33 (0) 390 242 417
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